General FAQs

What grades are offered by Insight School of Oregon–Painted Hills (ISOR-PH)?

ISOR-PH offers full-time enrollment for grades 7–12.

What subjects will my student study?

English, math, science, and history are core courses. High school students also take life skills courses.

Oregon law allows 7th- and 8th-grade students to enroll in high school-level courses with school administrative and parental approval. By passing those courses, students can apply the credits to their high school graduation transcript.

High schoolers can also take career technical education (CTE) courses in business or health sciences to explore careers of interest and provide a foundation for pursing postsecondary occupational certifications.

Does the program provide textbooks and other instructional materials?

Will my child have the same graduation opportunities as students in traditional public schools?

How much time will my child spend online?

Do you provide curriculum for special needs students?

Depending on your child’s IEP, we should be able to tailor instruction to meet your child’s needs. See below for additional information about rights and responsibilities regarding the education of a child on an IEP:

Does my child receive trade or industry certifications through ISOR-PH?

No. Students who attend ISOR-PH for at least two years and successfully complete CTE courses will have gained enough exposure to prepare for certification tests or other credential-earning opportunities after graduation.

How do students interact socially?

Students spend time with classmates online and through school outings, field trips, and other activities. They can also participate in their resident school district sports and extracurriculars as allowed by the Oregon School Activities Association. Students can also join school and K12 online national clubs to connect with peers of like interests.

Will this program intrude into my home?

There are no home visits as part of the program and no other intrusions into your home.

Can students do extracurricular activities in their resident district?

State law in Oregon allows charter school students to participate in district extracurricular activities. Districts may charge charter school students a participation fee or decline a student if the district program is full or if the district board policy has some unique language on participation.